Print ISSN 3008-4016 / Online ISSN 3008-4016

(i) Introduction

European Journal of Rheology an international, open access, peer reviewed research journal of pure and applied rheology, is published bimonthly  with the  aim of rapid dissemination of scientific knowledge of chemistry among researchers, scientists, professors  academicians and elite citizens to have a better understanding and knowledge of chemistry and current researches through, reviews on current topics, full research articles and brief communications.

All articles submitted to European Journal of Rheology are to be reviewed keeping in mind the following aspects, viz:

- Originality of work   i.e  no plagiarism

- Relevance to the scope of the  journal

- exclusivity and clarity of presentation  (correct language, grammar and presentation)

- Innovativeness of work

- Conformity to the guidelines mentioned below

(ii) How to Prepare Manuscript

(i) General Instructions

Use MS word to prepare manuscript. Other open source word-processing software can also be used. Keep the format as per following instructions:

- Keep the text in single column, normal font size 12, 1.5 line space.

- Keep the text left aligned, do not justify the paragraph.

- Use the spell check and grammar check of your word processor program.

- Use a single grid for each table.

- Check the quality of scanned figures. The legends should be clearly visible.

Place the tables and figures in the appropriate places

(ii) Title of the article.

- Title should be brief and concise

-Title should be in running text, bold, font size 14

- Do not use ‘&’ symbol and avoid using abbreviations

(iii) Authors Name and addresses

Authors name should follow the Title. Name should be as:

Running text, normal font size 12, line spacing 1.5

First Name Middle Name Last Name

Full names should be written

The authors name should be written in normal capital letters

For affiliation superscript numbers should be written on the author’s surname

Corresponding author should be marked as superscript *

Emails of the corresponding author must be written below the address


Abstracts should include all the main work of the authors only.

Abstract should not contain more than one or two line of introduction.

The abstract of the Full length article or Review must not be more than 150 words.

The abstract of the brief communication must not be more than 75 words.


Authors have to provide 4 to 6 words as Keywords (vital words of the article)


- Introduction should be neither too brief nor too long.

-The introduction should throw light from pioneer work  to the current work of the topic.

- The introduction should be supported by authentic standard references of journals.

Materials and Methods

Just after the introduction materials and methods should be mentioned.

The methods should be describe in brief about the preparations of solutions and the instrumentation.

The make the numbers and the model  of the instruments should be mention.

New and modified methods may be described in sufficient detail.

For the graphs of  NMR, IR, mass , TGA, DCA, X-Ray etc. should be submitted along with the spectral evidences.

The statistical method and the level of significance chosen shall be clearly stated.

European Journal of Rheology prefers to publish work that has been subjected to an appropriate statistical test at one level of significance.


The findings presented in the tables or in the graphical form must be described here.

The labeling of the graphs must be done through 8 to 10 point font  i.e  if reduced to half size than also it must be clearly visible.

The data should be statistically analyzed and the level of significance is to be stated.

Data that is not statistically significant need only to be mentioned in the text – no illustration is necessary.

All Tables and figures must have a title or caption and a legend to make them self explanatory.

Results section shall start after materials and methods section on the same page.


- This part must deal the interruption of the results, the logical statements in support of the findings of the author.

- The result and discussion should have a common heading, because the discussion is carried out along with the results obtained.

- There must not be a spate heading of conclusion.

- The author may write few lines regarding the applications and the importance of the work in future.


The acknowledgement should be brief and must be written about the original supporters of the work and to the reputed institutions.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order of their citation in the text and not in alphabetic order.

The style of writing the references of the journals should be as under.

1 2

The references number should be cited in the text positively

Avoid the references of more than last ten years. Use current references

The word   et al., should not be used in references. The names of all the authors should be written.

The references should be taken from standard journals of  ISI, IC, NAAS, CAB and CAS etc.

Chemical terminology

The chemical nomenclature used must be in accordance with that used in the Chemical Abstracts.

Math formulae

- Please submit math equations as editable text and not as images.

- Present simple formulae with normal text where possible and use the division slash (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms

Symbols and abbreviations

Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry

Ethics of human and animal experimentation

Those articles which are describing experimental work on humans or animals should submit an approval of the ethical committee of the institution were the actual work was carried out.

Experiments with animals should be done in accordance with the legal requirements of the relevant local or national authority. Procedures should be such that experimental animals do not suffer unnecessarily. Papers should include details of the procedures and of anesthetics used. The Editors will not accept papers where the ethical aspects are, in their opinion, open to doubt.

Proof Correction

Once the article is accepted after successful peer review, the article is published online and a Pdf in journal format is prepared.

- A copy of this PDF file is e-mailed to corresponding author for proof check.

- Make sure to proof read and make the correction diligently. It is better to consult some senior professor of  your department

- The proof reading and the correction of the article should be very careful and through before sending back to the managing editor, as second time rechecking and re-correction will not be allowed and the PDF will be finally uploaded on website as online publication.



Licensing Policy:

As open access journal Oriental Journal of Chemistry follows the Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Furthermore we explain in simple language so as to make it understandable for Authors, Publisher, Institutions and common readers etc. as under:

a. The authors reserve all major rights of the published article like proprietary and patents rights.

b. The publisher (OSPC) and the author will equally enjoy other benefits of the published article in future works of   their own, such as lectures, press release, views in text books, periodicals, reprinting of the whole or a part of the published article.

c. In the case of republication of the whole, part, or parts there of, in periodicals or reprint publications by a third party, written permission must be obtained from the Editor‐in‐Chief.  European Journal of Rheology.

Ethics in publishing

European Journal of Rheology’s Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement is based, in large part, on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please see:

Submission and Copyright declaration

Submission of a manuscript to European Journal of Rheology for publication implies that the same work has not been either published or under consideration for publication in another Journal.

Copyright form can be downloaded at:

This form duly completed and signed by all author’s should be submitted online while submitting manuscript.

Conflict of interest

All authors are requested to disclose any conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that can influence their work.


By submitting articles to European Journal of Rheology the author attest the following:

- None of the part of manuscript is plagiarized from other sources

- Proper reference is provided for all contents extracted from other sources

Strong action will be taken against cases of plagiarism, Read the EJR  Journal’s Plagiarism policy by clicking here.

Manuscript Submission:

Manuscript can be submitted online at


We have a good number of experienced editors and peer workers for different innovative topics of chemistry, and we have a good coordination between editors, our managing editors and finally with the chief editor. In addition to we have very reputed, renowned advisory board members  who are gracing and renovating the various aspects of the Journal. The editors, managing editors are competent and active for further reviewing the reports received from outer reviewers for the progress of the Journal, they are suggesting and introducing new reviewers from time to time, their suggestions are vital to boost the quality of the journal.

Correction and Retraction Policy


Corrections are published if the publication record is seriously affected with regard to the accuracy of published information. Corrections are published in the subsequent issue under Corrections and addendum.


Retractions are done when the main conclusion of the paper is seriously undermined.

Readers should first contact the authors of the original paper and then write to the publisher, including copies of the correspondence with the authors. The editors will consult reviewers for their comments. The article will be retracted in cases such as multiple submission, plagiarism or fraudulent use of data.

Changes in authors

Before the accepted manuscript is published in an online issue: Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the Editor from the corresponding author of the accepted manuscript and must include:

- Reason why the name should be added or removed

- Emailed confirmation from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement.

- A corrigendum will be issued if the author names are added, deleted, or rearranged in an article published online in coming issue.

Ghostwriting Firewall

A declaration of contributions from individual coauthors in the preparation of the article should be submitted

Article Processing Charges:

European Journal of Chemistry is an Open Access, peer reviewed research  journal. Full research  articles are available free of cost to all readers and scientific community as PDF and HTML. The authors who are submitting there articles for publication in journal has to pay the following processing and publication  fee.

 Rs. 100USD/- Full Research Article / Review.

Once the paper is accepted for publication and the payment is provided by the author. No refund will be granted due to any reason whatsoever.

Refund policy:

Refund can only be provided if the journal failed to publish the article due to some unavoidable circumstances. This refund will exclude the banking processing charges.

Checklist before Submission of article

- Read the general information for authors

- Title doesn’t have “&” and other non standard abbreviations

- Author names confirms to journal requirement

- Corresponding author is marked

- Corresponding authors email and address are included

- Author affiliation are checked

- Key words are added and adopted suitably

- Tables are properly numbered and title added

- Figures are properly numbered

- Quality of figure is checked

- References are in proper format as shown in reference section

- Article is spell and grammar checked

- Page number and line number should be mentioned in Re-submission of corrected documents.

About us

European Journal of Rheology is an international journal that publishes reviewed original research papers of both experimental and theoretical nature in the field of and Rheology